Saturday, February 21, 2009

Valentine's Day - Happy 6 month bday Maddie!

We went and visited Gma Viv on Valentine's day. DJ brought her some fish he had caught on Detroit Lake. Maddie even got a workout in while we were there!

Mommy & Maddie

Hanging out after work one evening. She is my little sweetie! I love being able to work part time and hang out with her as much as possible. It is so fun to watch her grow! We can't wait for it to get nice out - there is another whole world out there for Maddie to be introduced to!

Play date

We got together with several of my girlfriends from school a couple weeks ago. There were four of us who all had babies in 2008. One was born in May, June, August and November. Malia, the youngest wasn't in the pic as she was sleeping. We hope to get together monthly and let the little ones play together. Such fun!

Cousins Owen & Maddie

Owen came over a couple weeks ago to play. He is a month older than Maddie and lives right down the road. They both ran around the house in their walkers and had a ball. Owen showed Maddie a few moves. It is fun to watch them grow together!

Best Friends

Maddie and Meadow enjoy playing together during the day. When Maddie wakes up in the morning or from her afternoon nap, the first thing she does is look for Meadow. They enjoy playing tug of war over toys. Meadow can make Maddie laugh everytime. We weren't sure how Meadow would do with having a baby in the house and not getting as much attention as before, but she has been perfect. We look forward to watching them become closer as Maddie grows older.